Sunday, March 15, 2009

Best ski day ever!

I went to The Canyons last Monday. It was the best ski day I have had in as long as I could remember. The snow was deep and fluffy. My friends and I went on the expert only lift(Ninety Nine Ninety) most of the day. It was fantastic. You could ski crazy and fall and not get hurt at all. I did fall on one steep part and slid half way down the mountain on my face but I was laughing the whole way down. It was hilarious to watch I am sure. I wish it would snow more so I could have a few more days. It is not looking like it though. It is pretty warm. I wish I have had my camera when I have been snowshoeing lately. I have had some beautiful walks. The other night I did a moonlight walk with a friend and the moon was so bright. It was like snowshoeing during the day. So fun!!!!