Saturday, June 28, 2008

Coming to closure

The phrase "coming to closure" suggests a process. In the mentoring relationship, good closure is synonymous with learning and development. Good closure should catapult you forward into a new stage. Lack of closure or poor closure can impede growth.

Although individual, a need for closure varies, closure is essential for growth. Whether closure is unanticipated or planned, dealing with it together and directly is critical for a successful mentoring relationship. The importance of the "closure conversation" cannot be over emphasized. It is during this conversation that learning takes place, that appreciation gets articulated, and the celebration occurs. It is also the occasion for renegotiation: to determine if this relationship might continue, and if so, on what basis.(Friends :) Mentoring and Protege Vol. 9 No. 4 Fall 1999

Why look back?Chapman: If you move out of a relationship without resolving past relationship hurts, disappointments and failures, you may hamper your ability to be open, to trust, to engage or to be close and honest. The moment you get into another relationship, these issues tend to arise. In fact, most of the problems that people have in relationships come from "unfinished business" from prior relationships.

I finally realized I am coming to closure myself. I was catapulted forward this last week with the
help of my last relationship. I think closure is a good thing. If you cannot forget the last relationship but celebrate it for what it is, then you will never grow. I am looking for a wonderful and new relationship that will bring great happiness for my future. There will be no unfinished business.

I am looking for someone who comes internally happy and it will not be my job to make that person happy with material or emotional products. I found out myself, to have a good relationship, each one of us has to create our own happiness first. I have found what makes me happy is working out a couple of times a week, seeing my children as much as possible, going to the temple, and of course, good food and fun with friends. I am working on myself to make the best possible me. I am internally happy right now and will stay that way if I do not forget myself.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Aghhhhh!!!

I am trying to find something positive about Monday. I really can't figure out what I can say about it. I only want to have positive things on this blog. So I need to say something nice about my Monday. What could it be? I did not have a great lunch. I had an awfully boring conference call for 2 Hours. I woke up at the end of it slobbering on my desk from falling into too deep of sleep. I hope they did not call on me why I was asleep. I always can get out of it though when I tell them I was helping a customer who only wants to talk to the general manager. I guess I could say the positive of having a very good nap is that it took me back to kindergarten days.

I did have a pretty good workout this morning. On the elliptical machine I hit my high of almost 400 calories burned. I was on it for 45 minutes at level 15 and it was kicking my butt. I would not suggest going that long and at that level. The positive of this workout is that now I can drink my Rockstar Juiced drink with relatively no guilt. ;-)

I am going to the temple tomorrow so that I can find peace and serenity again. I lost it last night for some reason and slept a total of 4 hours. I think I might of got up to the million mark on the sheep count. That is probably why I had such a good slobber fest on my desk this afternoon. Life is still good even with Mondays in our lives. It makes us enjoy the rest of the week so much more.

Park City is so beautiful and green right now. It just makes me want to be outside at all times. I want to go hiking. Well my time is done. Peace Out!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Weekly Temple Visit

I love going to the temple. I went to the Bountiful temple today. It is the temple I usually go to because there are not that many people that are in the sessions. It is very efficient getting through the session. Not that I want to leave the temple fast but I am usually in a hurry because of my life being so busy.

I was contemplating life and how many stops and curves you go through to get to the place where you want to be at. I have a great life, but it has thrown me some curves. I would not say I have met any stops yet in life. I have been very fortunate. I have a great life with great kids and a great job!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My World Today and The Future

I am starting this blog for my own sanity, I guess. I am moving on with my life and feel good about the future. I will not worry about the past because it does not matter. I think of the past as being beautiful and having meaning that has changed my life for the better. I have many great and wonderful things that have happened to me. Above all, my children are the most important thing in my life. I love them!!! I hope they have a wonderful and fulfilling life with great meaning as my life has had. I wish I could see them everyday, but that is an impossibility. They are always in my heart at all times and that makes me smile.

I hope I will be able to share my present and future and never dwell on the past because it is gone and cannot be changed. I am looking forward to a wonderful life full of love and excitement. Love will always find a way.